Bats Tonight


Vela Welcome to my little personal website, you'll find a lot of random things, art... And bats. This website is mostly for my own amusement, I used to have a blog on blogger back in the day and I was missing how fun and how more personal it was! I was just a teeny little pup on the Geocities days so it's nice that this kind of comunity is still active! Feel free to contact me if you find anything amiss! I'm not an HTML expert... Most graphics you see on the website where created or edited by me!


Morty the bat waving
I'm Morty! Just a bat on the internet that tries to be a cartoonist and graphic designer... Click here to find out more about.. Mee.


  • All the fonts used on the website are from and hosted on Font Library.
  • Background image from the main page is by Ronaldo de Oliveira from Unsplash. Edited by me!
  • Background image from my about page is by COLIBRISPIRIT from Pixabay. Edited by me!
  • Guestbook/Comment box code by VIRTUAL OBSERVER.
  • Change text when refreshing the page on CodePen. I just simplified the code!
  • Base codes taken from W3schools .
  • Thank you thank you~
