Bats Tonight Title Bat and the moon



05/09 - Deleted the pillowfort button of the index page because I'm not using it at all (maybe one day). Added finally the Art page (no art for now). I put a new button the neighbors page!!
15/08 - Forgot to write here that I added the "neighbors" page several days ago. LOL
15/07 - "Mortyzone" and "Books" page created.
12/07 - "Updates" page created, finally, and updated the rest of the website with the new layout. (Update again: I actually lied to myself because there was some pages left, now it's actually updated, I'm so tired, It's 2 AM)

A little page to keep track the changes I made on this website... Note that the day goes first than the month, the superior way.
Please relax and warm yourself up near the fireplace while listening to some good music!

AVCris · Terrestre